Ohio Golf Journal July 2018

for the U.S. Open. A local rule in place for the tournament allowed players to pick up pebbles from the sand trap before they hit their shot. If the course you’re playing has unique, or rare RUQDPHQWDO ćRZHUV DQG EXVKHV WKURXJKRXW the playing area, a local rule may grant free relief, should you or your stance threaten damage to them. If trees have a large number of roots protruding above the ground, a free drop is good for the course, as well as, the golfer. When checking in with the starter or clubhouse, check to see if there are any special ORFDO UXOHV WKDW PD\ KHOS \RXU JDPH bb What’s the most unique local rule you’ve seen while playing? Let me know! Ohio Golf Journal