Ohio Golf Journal September 2018

Folds of Honor Outing in Dayton: Dayton-Area Folds of Honor will HOST THE 0ATRIOT 'OLF #LASSIC AT Dayton Country Club. Monday 3EPTEMBER th hundreds of golfers will descend on Dayton Country Club to honor the families of fallen or disabled VETERANS Folds of Honor Mission: Since 2007, the Folds of Honor has carried forth this singular, NOBLE MISSION 4O 0ROVIDE educational scholarships to spouses and children of America’s fallen and disabled SERVICE MEMBERS WITH THE MOTTO n(ONOR 4HEIR 3ACRIÚCE %DUCATE 4HEIR ,EGACYo The outing is currently accepting donations and entries. Bring your FAVORITE FOURSOME AND ENJOY A great golf course, good times with your buddies and help a wonderful cause, all at the same time. If you can’t be there in person, take a minute to honor our fallen heroes, by sending a donation to help this worthwhile cause. &IND MORE INFORMATION AT h t t p s b i r d e a s e p r o . c om patriotgolfclassic Ohio Golf Journal