Ohio Golf Journal September 2018

play golf among the disabled.” Many of the competitors at THE 53!'! EVENT IN -ICHIGAN ARE MILITARY VETERANS WHO HAVE LOST A LIMB IN SERVICE of the country, but still want TO REMAIN ACTIVE 4HEY HAVE the desire to win, but these 53!'! EVENTS ARE MORE ABOUT re-connecting with friends, playing a few holes together and spending time swapping stories in the 19 th hole. *IMMY $EE $OWSETT WAS diagnosed with M.S. in 2001 but hasn’t let that stophimfrom playing golf and promoting the game to others suffering with a physical disability. Dowsett formed “Moving Day for MS,” AN INITIATIVE that encourages golfers from ALL OF THE MAJOR GOLF TOURS around the world to wear ORANGE THE OFÚCIAL COLOR OF -3 ON n-OVING $AY o either Saturday or Sunday, to promote awareness of MS. 4HE 53!'! WAS FOUNDED IN AND HELPS MAKE PLAYING GOLF A REALITY FOR THE MILLION physically disabled, who want to play the game. It includes 31 member organizations across the United States and PROVIDES ADAPTIVE GOLF TO OVER INDIVIDUALS OF WHICH ARE WOUNDED VETERANS % 1 3YLVESTER #%/ OF THE 53!'! IS WORKING DILIGENTLY TO HAVE GOLF INCLUDED IN THE PARA /LYMPICS 4HE 53'! EVEN SENT A REPRESENTATIVE to Frankenmuth to study the SUCCESS OF THE 53!'! IN Ohio Golf Journal