Ohio Golf Journal September 2018
Our Contributors This Month Mike May is a freelance GOLF TRAVEL WRITER BASED IN Wellington, Florida. As you would expect, he is a n'OLFAHOLICo FOCUSED ON BEATING l/LD -AN 0ARm EACH time he steps on a golf COURSE MMAYMARKETING gmail.com Richard E. Todd Richard E Todd, author of 4HE 'OLF 2ULES SERIES AND Short Stories from the Long Links, has been heard on THE 0'! 4OUR RADIO STATION AND SEEN IN /N 4HE 'REEN magazine. WWW 4HE'OLF2ULES COM 2ICHARD 4HE'OLF2ULES COM Mike May $AVID GREW UP PLAYING hockey in Canada and after taking one too many pucks TO THE HEAD HE DECIDED 'OLF WAS A BETTER ALTERNATIVE (E now resides in Lakeland, Florida and much of his time is spent on a golf course or PRACTICE RANGE 9OU CAN ÚND HIM AT WWW THEGOLÚNGUY COM OR EMAIL HIM AT THEGOLÚNGUY GMAIL COM Ed Travis %D 4RAVIS IS A NATIONAL AWARD WINNING GOLF JOURNALIST AND HAS HAD A LIFELONG LOVE AFFAIR WITH the game. He has competed in tournament golf both as an amateur and as a senior professional and though his COMPETITIVE DAYS ARE BEHIND him, he still plays regularly and carrie s a handicap of 2. HTTPS WWW FACEBOOK COM ED TR AVIS David Theoret Ohio Golf Journal