Ohio Golf Journal March 2018
Says Sherburne, “The industry touts the head as the engine of the golf club because it contacts the ball. But the shaft is far more important. With no INDUSTRY STANDARDS IN ÛEX ITmS nearly impossible for golfers TO ÚND THE SHAFT THAT PERFORMS best without professional HELP )TmS IMPORTANT TO ÚND A SKILLED ÚTTER WITH A LAUNCH monitor to maximize your swing to its fullest potential.” According to ACCRA’s Robertson, terms like stiff or REGULAR ÛEX MEAN NOTHING ACCRA looks at three different zones; the butt, midsection and tip and can produce shafts in countless combinations. Robertson adds, “If a player needs something with a softer tip section and a stiffer butt SECTION CLUB ÚTTERS KNOW WHICH SHAFT ÚTS THAT PROÚLE FOR that golfer. Club Champion’s UNDERSTANDING OF HOW TO ÚT golfers is an integral part of any club being successful in a player’s hands. “ Chad Embrey from Fujikura shares, n&LEX IS SIGNIÚCANTLY IMPACTED by torque, one of the most misunderstood shaft SPECIÚCATIONS 4HE WAYS you can measure torque are countless . ” Many golfers think that lower torque means better shafts. Club Champion delivers a Tour- TXDOLW\ ƜWWLQJ producing longer, more accurate shots with a nearly 100% satisfaction rate. Ohio Golf Journal