Ohio Golf Journal November 2018

When It’s , Shouldn’t You be in If you have thought about spending more time in Florida, Arizona or the Carolinas this winter, but GRQèW NQRZ KRZ WR ĆQG WKH SHUIHFW SULYDWH FOXE WR join, checkout ProGuide³ fromGolfLifeNavigators. ,W VDYHV WLPH DQG PRQH\ SOXV LWèV HDV\ WR ĆOWHU RYHU 600 private clubs in a few short minutes. In a recent study of Midwesterners, motivations VXUURXQGLQJ D PDMRU OLIH GHFLVLRQ VXFK DV ĆQGLQJ a retirement home or golf club, were fascinating. One piece of data stood out like a perfectly struck 7-iron. The golf course itself was not as important as other aspects of club life. We, at Golf Life Navigators already knew that because results from thousands of avid golfers, like you, who have completed the ProGuide³, revealed other factors such as: * A Friendly Culture * The Quality of the Club * Weather * Financial Investment were more important to the overall decision- making process than just the golf course alone. Are these factors that alignwith yourmotivators as a prospective member of a private club community in the Sun Belt? Golf Life Navigators can help you discover what really drives your decision and help \RX ĆQG WKH SHUIHFW FOXE DQG OLIH VW\OH VLPSO\ E\ completing th e ProGuide³. With the leaves dropping and cooler winds blowing in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Pennsylvania, it’s the perfect time to take some time to complete a ProGuide³ a nd start planning for a trip to a place where the temperatures are toasty. After answering a series of pertinent questions, the ProGuide³ helps get golfers to the doors of WKH FOXEV WKDW DUH êEHVW PDWFKHGë WR WKHLU VSHFLĆF criteria. O h i o G o l f J o u rn a l