Ohio Golf Journal November 2018
Plus, you immediately receive up to six best- matched clubs, based on your desired location in Arizona, Florida, NorthCarolina, or SouthCarolina. The ProGuide³ s ubmission entitles you to a free, half-hour consultation with a Golf Life Navigators’ regional advisor and then we connect you with the best-matched clubs for you. *ROI /LIH 1DYLJDWRUV DOVR KDYH *ROI &HUWLĆHG DJHQWV WKDW FDQ KHOS \RX QRW RQO\ ĆQG WKH ULJKW private course, but the right home, as well. The ProGuide³ h as been referred to as “eHarmony Meets Zillow for Golf!” It gives avid golfers like you the greatest opportunity to PDNH WKH ULJKW GHFLVLRQ WKH ĆUVW time. 7KRXVDQGV RI VDWLVĆHG JROIHUV DOUHDG\ NQRZ WKDW Golf Life Navigators c an help put you in the right situation for an enjoyable retirement or second home in a sunshine state. Why would you work with anyone else? Fill out your ProGuide³ to day. O h i o G o l f J o u r n a l