Ohio Golf Journal March 2019

friendships canbebuilt, plus your game can improve through repeated and regular play. Observance to rules and etiquette are mandatory in league play, plus it may help put you at the top the list, when a fourth is needed to complete a group. Tournaments Do you desire intense competition and are willing to follow every rule of golf perfectly? Ifso, andyoucompetedindividuallyinatournament, you were among a meager 17% of golfers to compete in tournament play. Tomaintain fairness to all competitors, tournament play requires strict adherence to the rules and etiquette of golf. Casual Golf NGF reports that 38%, of golfers play outside a group setting and tee it up simply to challenge themselves, or to just enjoy the walk. Regardless of your desiredmethodof golf, following the basic rules and conduct, originally set 300 years ago, keeps the game uniform for all, helps assure safety of the player and adds a level of challenge to be enjoyed. 'R \RX ĆQG \RXUVHOI XQVXUH KRZ WR LQWHUSUHW RU apply the rules of golf? Contact your local course or association for help or pick up a book such as the USGA rule book or the entertaining title The Golf Rules-Stroke Play. Ohio Golf Journal