Ohio Golf Journal March 2019

Our Contributors This Month Richard Todd Richard E. Todd, author of The Golf Rules series and Short Sto- ries from the Long Links, has been heard on PGA Tour radio station and seen in On the Green magazine. Contact him at Richard@TheG- olfRules.com or visit www.The- GolfRules.com Mike May is a freelance golf trav- el writer based in Wellington, Florida. As you would expect, he is a “Golfaholic” focused on beating ‘Old Man Par’ each time he steps on a golf course. Contact him at mmaymarket- ing@gmail.com Mike May Ed Travis Brian Tolnar Ed Travis is a national award winning golf journalist and has had a lifelong love affair with the game. He has com- peted in tournament golf both as an amateur and as a senior professional and though his competitive days are behind him, he still plays regularly and CARRIES A HANDICAP OF h t t p s : / / www. f a c e b o o k . c om / ED TRAVIS Kevin Frisch played collegiate golf, and was a former PGA Pro- fessional, who now manages his own public relations concern specializing in golf related busi- nesses. You can reach him at: Kevin@KevinFrischpr.com Kevin Frisch Steve Jurick 3INCE #LASS ! 0'! 0ROFES - sional, Steve Jurick has been the Executive Director of the Miami Golf Association. In that position he oversees tournaments, rules, handi- capping and course rating. Contact Steve at: steve@mvgolf.org Brian Tolnar is the Director of Golf & Recreation for Mill Creek MetroParks Golf Course in Youngstown, Ohio. He is a PGA Class A Professional and WAS NAMED .ORTHERN /HIO PGA Merchandiser of the Year. Contact him at: BTolnar@yahoo. com Ohio Golf Journal