Calm Down Everything Will be OK

  • by Fred
  • 5 Years ago
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New World Golf Handicap System is different, but you will get used to it.


Take a deep breath and calm down, the new World Handicap System creates a few minor changes, but it will all work out in the end.

Some of you may have seen a slight change in your handicap as the new World Golf Handicap System (WHS) went into effect last month. Rather than logging into your local association to look up your handicap, you now have to visit Enter your personal GHIN number and last name to view you handicap index.

With the new system going live last month, the USGA Allied Partner Associations are being deluged with concerns and complaints about the new World Golf Handicap system.

Question include:

Why do we need a World Handicap System?

The World Handicap System enables golfers of various abilities to play on an equal level and in any format anywhere around the world. The system has been agreed upon by the various governing bodies and will provide an accurate and fair method of calculating handicaps.

-Why can’t I log my scores into the old website?

Your current individual scores and handicap information have been entered into the World Handicap System and can now be accessed via:

-How will the new handicap calculation affect my handicap?

The new handicap system went live in January with a few changes. Most noticeably rather than your last 20 scores, handicaps are now based off your last ten 18-hole rounds. Individual 9-hole rounds can be entered and the WHS will add two 9-hole rounds together to calculate your handicap.

-What scores should I record?

To assure you have an accurate handicap, you should record every round played. To make the game equitable, the more scores you enter, the more accurate and fair your handicap will be.

-What is the new calculation based on?

Under the past method your gross scores were subtracted from the course index and multiplied by 90%. Under the new system handicaps are related to par for each hole and calculated based on par.

You can view a video prepared by the USGA to better explain the World Handicap System:


The World Golf Handicap System will enhance the enjoyment and fairness of golf handicapping for golfers traveling internationally to play in tournaments, where handicaps will be necessary. This is in the best interest for all golfers. Although you may see a slight change now, in relation to everyone else it should even the playing field.

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