Tag Archives: Doon Brae

All Three Locations At BOYNE Golf Are Getting Special Treatment

  • by Fred
  • 8 Days ago
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Written By Len Ziehm with Pictures By Joy Sarver   Having three top golf resorts is somewhat like having three children. How do you decide which one gets taken care of first? That’s the dilemma at Boyne Mountain, The Highlands and Bay Harbor, three resorts with a  combined ten golf courses, plus other amenities and attractions. […]

BOYNE Continues To Grow & Expand

  • by Fred
  • 4 Months ago
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BOYNE will host the International Association of Golf Tour Operators Convention and will open 11th course this year.   BOYNE To Host International Golf Tour Operators   It will be a very busy year at BOYNE as they will host 350 tour operators from around the world for the International Association of Golf Tour Operators […]

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